Emile Theriault Award
Emile Theriault Library and Information Technology Award
The Emile Theriault Library and Information Technology Award, established in 2006, recognizes the efforts of a library support staff member, who has made a major contribution to their library community.
Emile Theriault was the first library support staff worker who served as president of NSLA.
Call for Nominations to be issued by May 1 of any given year.
Nominations criteria and procedure:
The nominee must work in a support staff capacity in a library in Nova Scotia.
Nominations must include nominee name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail address, if applicable.
Nominations must be made in writing and signed by two nominators, one of whom must be a current member of the Nova Scotia Library Association.
Nominators are responsible for documenting the accomplishments of the candidate and for creating a package to support the nomination. Documentation as available and appropriate may be submitted.
Nominations must include two letters of endorsement, which may include letters from the nominators).
Deadline for submissions is June 30 of any given year.
Nominations of persons previously nominated but not chosen may be resubmitted.
Receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged by email.
Nominations to be sent to NSLA Past-President.
Upon closing of nominations, a committee composed of a Committee Chairperson (the NSLA Past-President), the NSLA Vice-President and one NSLA member-at-large, to be chosen by the NSLA Board of Directors, will meet to review submissions.
A recommendation regarding bestowing the award will be made to the NSLA Board by July 15 in any given year. It is the Committee’s prerogative to recommend to the Board that the award not be awarded in any given year.
The award recipient will receive engraved plaque and a membership in NSLA.
The award will be presented at the NSLA Annual Conference Banquet.
For more information, contact:
Denise Corey
Previous Winners
2023 Brenda McKenna
2022 Barbara Lipp
2021 no recipient
2020 no recipient
2019 Karen MacNeill
2018 Kenneth David
2017 no recipient
2016 Tara MacNeil
2015 Jean Brown
2014 Verna DeViller
2013 Bev McGee
2012 Margaret MacLean
2011 Rachel Crosby
2010 Janet Ness
2009 Darlene Barrett
2008 Peggy Hiscock
2007 Lynne LeGrow
2006 Award established