Board of Directors
The NSLA Board of Directors for 2023/24 was elected October 22, 2023 at the NSLA AGM.
Jeff Mercer
Colchester-East Hants Public LibraryVice President and President-Elect
Ashley Nunn-Smith
South Shore Public LibrariesPast President
Denise Corey
Cumberland Public LibrariesSecretary
Lesley Brann
Colchester-East Hants Public LibraryTreasurer
Kristel Fleuren-Hunter
Pictou-Antigonish Regional LibraryBylaws Convener
Katharine McCoubrey
Hants Learning Networking AssociationProfessional Development Convener
Alison Holmes
Stewart McKelveyNewsletter Convener
Christina Pottie
South Shore Public LibrariesMembership Convener
Shannon Raynard
Western Counties Regional LibraryNominations Convener
Tracy Wilson
Cape Breton Regional LibraryPublic Relations and Promotions
Erin Flynn
Cape Breton Regional LibraryConference Convener
Website Convener
Charlotte Gallivan
Cumberland Public Libraries